

I take commissions for student portfolio sites! This service is something I offer to help students curate, craft, and build their personal portfolio and presenting it on a custom website. As of right now, there is a significant need when applying to colleges for personalized, impressive websites for students to showcase their achievements, talents, and academic endeavors. By packaging all of their accomplishments and skills in concise and visually attractive pages, it shows thoughtfulness as well as professionalism for someone at that stage of their academic career.

My past works also include business websites offering a service of some kind, and this very website - please see my work showcases for a comprehensive view. If you are interested, please read my terms of service below and let me know at, or schedule a meeting below!

Pre-designed packages
are also available, see the below FAQ for more info.

You may also use the link below to book a FREE consultation meeting over Google Meet with any questions you have. Please also refer to the FAQ section below.

Schedule a Meeting


I reserve the right to refuse or halt any commission at any point.

All projects go through a standard process: both parties will discuss and agree to the project details & requirements listed in a statement of work (SoW), which will then be formally drawn up in a contract to be signed and returned to me.

All projects will start at a base cost of $990. The cost may increase proportionate to the complexity/difficulty of the project. The cost MUST be paid upfront upon signing of the contract before work will begin.

The client may choose the amount of pages for the website from a range of 1 to 3, as well as from a selection of template designs provided upon request. Adjustments to said template are assumed but not required. Special requests for an alternate design and/or more pages will be considered and priced on a case by case basis.

Any additional requests by the client for edits, items to be made, etc. of any kind that are not agreed upon in the original contract will be subject to additional fees. I reserve the right to determine the fee amount as well as refuse the request, and upon agreement the fee is due immediately.

Payment is made through Paypal and paid in full upfront at the beginning of the project. Alternative payment is available through Zelle if requested.

For all website development projects, the client party can request it either be made through a specified platform or developed from scratch. Please note that unless otherwise agreed upon, sites developed from scratch will be hosted through Github Pages using the client's own Github account.

For the duration of the project, the client may request one video call meeting (i.e. over Zoom) for an hour maximum per week, free of charge. Any extra meetings within the same week will be charged at $50/hr. I reserve the right to determine meeting availabilities.

WHAT YOU RECEIVE: a high quality, complete, and customized website designed for your specified purpose.

USAGE POLICY: I do not consent to any of the files (.html, .js, images, etc.) involved in the project being distributed to anyone other than the designated client party. They are also not permitted for commercial use, or any other unless otherwise discussed. I reserve the right to display the project in my portfolio as my work.


I consult with a client first through a meeting to determine what elements & items need to go into a statement of work, which is then adjusted until agreed upon and formally written as a contract to be signed. After fees are paid, I then create an initial proposal and process the client's information (such as extracurriculars, course history, internships, etc.) before returning wireframe(s) to be approved. Once approval is given, I begin implementing the proposal and generate any necessary assets as well (graphics, logos, etc.). Development continues until all criteria is met, and I hand the final product off to you.

TLDR: statement of work + contract >> proposal + wireframes >> implementation >> final product

All projects have a base cost of $990. Any increase in cost of the project will vary based on the amount of work needed to complete the website, determined in a consultation meeting.

I have some pre-designed layouts that are available for use, which determine the general page layouts and page count for the website. Specific choices such as color palette, content organization (i.e. pictures), etc. will be determined by me.

Available packages
(all will include home, activities, about, projects, etc. where applicable):
Basic) 2-3 pages with simple layouts
Intermediate) 2-4 pages with more complex layouts and/or animations
Premium) 3-4 pages with engaging visuals, animations, and custom made graphics

Some platforms or existing frameworks that I'm willing to work with, but not limited to, include Wordpress, Weebly, Kajabi, and Google Sites. If a website is made from scratch (raw HTML/CSS/JS files), then I usually host the site using Github Pages.

There is a large range of what you may request to be made for your portfolio website. Clients in the past have asked for new logos (for their brand identity), graphics (i.e. promotional ads, infographics, and diagrams), and general website assets (i.e. background images). Other common options include pages, subsections, and compositions (i.e. description text).

Items and parts of a project are usually remade until they are to the client's satisfaction. However, if I deem that the client is making excessive requests for a given item to be changed, I may refuse the request.

Project times will vary depending on the complexity of the work - a website being designed from scratch will naturally take longer, of course. In general though, you can expect the development process to take approximately 4-6 weeks to complete.

For the duration of the project, the client may request up to one meeting per week for an hour maximum, free of charge. These meetings are to go over milestones of the project, and the limit is to prevent redundancies. If the client feels more meetings are necessary in a given week, they may pay for more at my standard rate of $50/hr.

You can expect a professionally developed, designed, and curated portfolio website! Please note, however, that frameworks & platforms such as Wordpress or Weebly tend to sacrifice customizability for ease of use. Therefore, there is a limit to my creative freedom if those are used to host the website.

Since that would mean that this addition or adjustment does not fall under any of the items in the contract, there would be additional fees to have the work done. Here are examples of what would and would not require more costs:

Asking for another infographic to be made, or another page to be added on the website (YES)

Asking to edit an infographic to have a different color, or somewhat different layout/spacing (NO)

All items listed in the agreed contract are packaged within the cost at that stage. If an item is not made to satisfaction, work will be done until it fulfills the client's criteria at no extra charge.

There is not necessarily a large difference between the final product of either choice. However, one made from scratch does offer complete control over the visual aspect of the website. If this is a high priority for you, please keep that in mind.

I will provide the raw files (.jpeg, .html, .svg, etc.) used for a project upon request for your own personal use ONLY. Please refer to the above usage policy as well.